24. März

It’s weird that we are still some of us within our first week of self-isolation. My heart goes out to all of you, and I hope that y’all are able to persevere through this tough situation.

Yes indeed I did bake a little bit yesterday. Another recipe from Joshua Weissman, and I actually recorded the baking experience with a special guest member of my family…stay tuned, but if you listen to the show there’s a pretty obvious milestone coming up.


I also have been moseying my way along the two paintings that I started a few days ago. They are both now closer to the end than before, but not at all finished. (Even if they were “finished” it takes several days for the paint to dry).

I’m trying not to let this blog become a picture book for young children, so I am going to end with a monologue about art. Look: art is so important. I’m not only talking about making art yourself—which can be an amazing experience of release if that’s what you’re compelled to do—but also enjoying art for the sake of enjoying art. The problem is, though, is that when food is barely getting on the table and economics are bad and getting worse it is hard to justify your support for art in a monetary way. But, if you are able, please do not refund your symphony tickets or your art gallery passes—those actions just make the financial situation of those institutions worse. Rather, I implore you to make the cost of your ticket a donation to those institutions so that they can continue to run, long after a vaccine has been made.

