My Favorite Shoe / Clothing / Jewelry Brands

Shoes. I love shoes. And, what’s interesting about the times we live in now is that I do not wear shoes everyday, save for tennis shoes when I am going for a walk—even yoga I do barefoot.

I thought that today I would link some of my favorite shoe and clothing brands, just for the sake of keeping them afloat and putting the recommendation out there #NotSpon.

Shoes -

L’Artiste: L’Artiste is my favorite shoe brand by far, and the reason why is because their shoes are whimsical, unique, and yet so so comfortable. I really believe in fashion that functions as much as it looks good, and the shoes that I have from them accomplish that goal with a 12/10.


Söfft: I have one pair of mary jane heels from Söfft, and the reason why I adore them so much is because I can wear them all. freaking. day. They are the most comfortable heels I’ve ever worn, and there’s no going back now!

Toms: I have had a pair of Toms ever since they first came out in the early 2000s. I love the message of donating a pair of shoes each time a pair of shoes is sold, and I have always admired founder Blake Mycoskie’s ingenuity.

Birkenstocks: I have had my same pair of Birkenstocks for almost 5 years now. I wear them constantly, especially when it’s a short run down to the gas station or a quick walk around the block. Someone also told me that they were voted the most comfortable college shoe, so there’s that as well.

Cole Haan: In terms of designer or pseudo-designer brands, Cole Haan is on the top of my list. My most expensive pair of shoes—my Pinch Grand Penny Loafers—came from them. (The shoes are SUPER special to me because they are the first gift that I saved up and bought for myself. It took months.)

Clothing - All four of these choices are on the pricey side because I keep my wardrobe limited to about 40 pieces, year round and need the best quality I can find for each style.

Everlane: Around 60% of my wardrobe is from Everlane. I’m obsessed with the brand’s quality as well as its commitment to transparency. Everlane is great for basics, but I find that worn in the right outfit a lot of their pieces look stylish-chic.

COS: I have a few pieces from COS that I bought when I was in Berlin. They have a lot of stunning single pieces like dresses or belts that I’ve really enjoyed adding to my wardrobe.

& Other Stories: Another store I frequented in Berlin, & Other Stories is a bit girlier than COS. What I like about the clothing I have from both stores is that the pieces use unusual subdued colors and as well have great, thick fabric that is multi-seasonal.

Loft: Loft is a classic store that your mother and grandmother are probably familiar with, but I love it because of its selection of timeless pieces. You can’t go wrong with a work pant or blouse from this store.


Etsy: Honestly, I get most of my pieces from individual stores on Etsy, because I know what I like and what I’m looking for in a piece. (It’s harder to find, for example, sloth earrings

Le Labo: I’m putting perfume as jewelry here because where else would I put it? Perfume for me is such a must, and I love how you can find that specific scent that you own for years and years. A perfume from Le Labo is an investment, but one that will last you a very long time.

Pamela Card: Pamela Card is a Canadian jewelier whose pieces I love because of their inspiration from classical pieces of art. I love pearls especially, and the freshwater pearls that she uses in her pieces are to die for.
