2020 - “Infinite Jest” by David Foster Wallace
A lovely double-brownstone that I caught near downtown Philly. I think it was the tree, to be honest with you. Photo shot and edited by Mackenzie Gentz.
“Infinite Jest” by D.F.W.
…is reportedly one of the greatest books in all of literature. It’s one of those books that no one ever reads or intends to read but has on their shelf besides. Well, dear listeners, I figured that after 2.5 years of trying and failing to get through the beast on my own time that I would bring y’all along with me.
That’s right: in 2020 we are going to have an episode every week (or every other week) on a new section of “Infinite Jest” until we finish together.
Did I already say strap yourselves in? The ride is about to get unbelievably bumpy.
important links
Episodes starting on 2. january, 2020
After episodes, september 2020
E137 - What does the word “fantods” mean?