Detox Fridays

Today I started something that I am calling “Detox Fridays,” which is a weekly detox regimen that will help manage my weight and stress while I am working from home. I must mention outright that I am not a dietician and have no expertise in the medical field; rather, the schedule that I have planned is something that I have tested and planned for myself, and something I know works for my body and mind in stressful situations.

  1. Wake up, do a face and hair mask.

    My go-to mud mask is the rose germanium Blue Clay mask by Herbivore. The hair mask is something new for adult life in AZ because my frizzy curls need some help. (It’s from Lush.)


2. 10-15 minutes of mindfulness yoga—nothing too intense.

3. Breakfast: Smoothie

Tip: Substitute regular or whey protein powder for vegan protein powder. Whey protein powder is known to cause breakouts and acne, while vegan protein powder does not. The tastes are a bit different, but if you’re after a certain texture, the vegan substitute will work just fine.

4. Keep Hydrated

Detox Fridays are about detoxing, so make sure to drink LOTS of fluids throughout the day, especially in preparation for the long fast later in the day.

5. Lunch: Something Light

I had some mini sandwiches with arugula, salami, and mozzarella—nothing over-the-top, but also nothing too scarce calorie-wise.

6. 10-15 minutes of training yoga.

I used this yoga session as a core strength trainer by adding some planking and plenty of sitting twists.

7. An evening walk

After the sun goes down, it’s often the perfect end-of-day treat to take a walk around the neighborhood and relax. I take these walks as an opportunity to appreciate nature and practice thoughts of gratitude.

8. A 20-hour fast

This step is completely optional and also completely flexible, depending on your body and how your body takes to fasting for long periods of time. In my normal, everyday circumstances I fast for 13 hours a day, every day, but don’t mind the occasional body reset before a new week starts. If you’re new to fasting, however, or at all concerned about your specific health risks vs. benefits, please consult your doctor or nutritionist to find out more about your specific circumstances.