21. März

Submitting my so-called “daily report” a bit earlier tonight because I am going to upload the next DFW episode this evening, no matter what. Footnote 110 was a lot to get through, but I’ve done it and I have thoughts about it.

Today was interesting, and a bit different from the other two days that I have spent in pseudo-isolation in that I went to Walgreens today to grab some essentials for the next month or so that I plan to be home.

I’ve been thinking more and more about the nature of uncertainty lately, especially in regards to the double bind that it puts one in—that the only certain thing in a period of uncertainty is uncertainty itself. Part of this mental discussion was likely triggered by reading Cormac McCarthy’s “The Road,” which I won’t say too much more about because we are talking about it for Monday’s show. I never imagined, though, that I would be reading a hard-gutted dystopia in the most dystopic time period in the modern era.

Many of my friends from school have the “Houseparty” app, and because I’ve been trying to get ahold of my friend Danny, I’ve been using it periodically during the week to check on his status. My prediction? That the app will blow over sometime in April. It’s an interesting experience for the first few uses, but it doesn’t hold one’s attention well enough to keep checking throughout the day.

Also just downloaded an app called “Kast” to continue our weekly tradition of movie club, just in a remote environment (or should I say environments).

Cooking today wasn’t much because of the amount of leftover baked goods that I managed to generate over the last two days… ABER Forelle, anyone?


A parting gift that I have before abandoning the Panopti-blog in favor of “Infinite Jest”: an artistic photo of my bedroom floor. I was trying to edit it like a late-night drama crime scene photo. Let me know how I did in the comments below!


